By Rejected - 16/07/2011 13:28 - Australia

Today, my six year old son came up to me with his arms spread and said, "I feel like a hug." I got really excited and hopeful because he is very anti-social and hates physical contact. As soon as I stood up to hug him he said "Feeling's gone" and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 251
You deserved it 4 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I usually don't do this, but anti-social behaviour and avoidance of physical contact can be signs of autism. Now before anyone jumps on me, I'm not making any diagnosis here. I'm only saying they are signs that something deeper MAY be going on. Ok, now you may flame the shit out of me.

Awe you should have ran after him and gave him a bear hug anyways and a kiss on the cheek and be like "my feelings not gone kiddo!" :)


weird_little_kid 0

put him in time out and say the only way out is a HUG


he's a better troll than most people on here.

Lose him in a crowded place and when you find him again... He will be begging for more... I mean a hug.

just be like, "Oh, want me to buy you that toy?" Sorry, feelings gone.

Sure, because six-year old children understand sarcasm, right? *crickets chirping* Right.

2141_MECH 0

Should have hugged him more as a baby.

green_eggs_and_h 0

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

next time just chase him around the house until you get the hug you want and deserve.