By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States

Today, my parents boarded the fad wagon and became Juggalos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 703
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CuteDumBlonde64 11
xXxIracebethxXx 14

Sure. Let's go with that, #39.


nsvoboda2002 1

Juggalos aren't all bad... Do u even realize that alot of their music has to deal with god or Jesus.. What do u guys think Shangra is? Any ways its about ppl coming together who like pschopatic records... Deal with it..

You're a fine example of why I mock most hardcore ICP fans. It's funny, because most of the time, I'll say to my friends who love the band, "******' magnets, how do they work?" and call it a day. I don't bother those who don't bother me, and I respect differences in musical taste. Perhaps they sound like a pile of shit to me, but I know some of my favorite bands are hated by people. That's cool. Whatever. I don't think you understand, though. Talking about Christianity doesn't make anyone inherently good - I'm an atheist with many neo-pagan and irreligious friends. Religion aside, most of the hardcore fans who have gained publicity are, in fact, annoying motherfuckers. Are, in fact, bad people. Scumbags. That's not to say every ICP fan is, but I can't help but see the ones who scream "WE A FAMLIY, UR JELLUS" as complete imbeciles.

akichan15 5

Somebody sure is closed minded. I'm a juggalette. I'm educated. We're not all dumbasses like you think we are. Don't hate.

kmerritt10 6

Wow man FYL needless to say I'm sure your speechless if i was told that by my parents id freak out

Sad moment when you lose someone to the clowns. Time to leave home

Now your whole family is bound to get their asses whipped at any moment. Your life sucks buddy! Good luck.

inusariel 0

I feel so bad for u. I'm sorry

Don't hate on the juggalos we are one big family we got each others backs wicked clowns never die

I'd be pretty pumped if my mum would finally just give up bitching and rock out with me. My mum didn't like 'cherry piem so I put on 'I stab people' and she told me I was corrupt lol

I wouldn't call Juggalism a fad, per se, but still has got to be