By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States

Today, my parents boarded the fad wagon and became Juggalos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 704
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CuteDumBlonde64 11
xXxIracebethxXx 14

Sure. Let's go with that, #39.


SmittyJA24 26

Didn't that "fad wagon" crash years ago??

CeeCee_fml 16

I looked up Juggalo and ICP on urban dictionary because I had no idea what the hell those things are. Well damn. XD

OP your life seriously blows! I used to date a guy who thought he was a "juggalo" its all a bunch of poser bs lol time to break up with your parents ;)

jmichael11 9

When did listening to insane clown posse make you fad...******* never.

lette4life959 10

DEFINITELY not the fad wagon.. Lol. We're outcasts and prouddd of it. ;) WHOOP WHOOP!! Consider urself luckyyy!!!!!!!!

Juggalo aka wicked clown we are a group of people that listen to icp the hatchetman logo we represent is now considered gang affiliation but we consider other juggalos family

jamesli 0

juggalos are male prostitutes

saraj1995 0

Whoop whoop! Nothing wrong with being down with the clowns! Whoop whoop to the family!