By HelpMe - 25/02/2014 09:59 - United Kingdom - Galashiels

Today, my mum asked me how the guinea pig was doing. We don't have a guinea pig. Turns out she had volunteered me to look after the next door neighbor's guinea pig when they were away and 'forgot' to tell me. They have been gone two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 983
You deserved it 3 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

carcinogenic 7

Your neighbours sure aren't guinea be happy about this.


This is tough OP. Please do follow up (or message me) and let us know what happened. Was it dead? Did you get there in time? What did you tell your neighbors? How did they react? A YOU okay OP?

Coeliacchic93 21

I really wanna know what happened too, it would break my heart if I was in OP's situation. I'd probably feel guilty too even though I'd know it wasn't my fault.

what's the betting your mother blames it on you?

Don't try to buy a new guinea pig. You can tell them apart by how they act. Your neighbors will be angrier if you try to cover it up.

an3ph 20

Anybody up for some guinea pork?

Fortunately if you are very lucky it's not been so dead that it stinks to bad. Explain the situation or have your mother explain it as it is her fault and hopefully it will be ok

Have you checked if it's alive? You should check right now! The water bottles can hold water for a good week or more, and guinea pigs will be able to survive for a couple of days without water. They can also survive without food for quite a while, especially if it was chubby which is very common for them.

This one made my jaw drop. Please follow up OP! So sad if the guinea pig died from your mother's neglect...