By HelpMe - 25/02/2014 09:59 - United Kingdom - Galashiels

Today, my mum asked me how the guinea pig was doing. We don't have a guinea pig. Turns out she had volunteered me to look after the next door neighbor's guinea pig when they were away and 'forgot' to tell me. They have been gone two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 983
You deserved it 3 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

carcinogenic 7

Your neighbours sure aren't guinea be happy about this.


So sad. :( Poor guinea pig. This situation sucks. definitely need some follow up from OP. I really want to know what happened.

demonpup 12

1. The guinea pig is still alive ( not likely) 2. Time for a trip to the pet store. 3. You tell them the truth OP I wish you good luck

You have several options OP. 1. Let your mom tell them the truth since it is her fault. 2. Find a twin of the guinea pig and replace the guinea pig. 3. Tell your neighbors the guinea pig had a natural death. Or you can move hahaha.

Did the guinea pig survive? Don't leave us in suspense, OP? If not I hope you gave it a decent burial.

bury the dead pet, and put your mom in its place

nachosbabygurl 9

i hate when people volenteer someone else to do something then tell them

I say this is more like eff the guinea pigs life

mookiemookie01 24

Hang on. It seems there is something major missing here. How were you supposed to get into their house? Do they tell everyone where they keep the key? I certainly don't.