By vrossie_ - 08/09/2013 05:56 - United States

Today, my mom was sharing the story of how I was born with the umbilical cord around my neck. My sister added that it was God's first attempt to kill me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 751
You deserved it 4 208

vrossie_ tells us more.

vrossie_ 15

Yea it was clever. I shared it to my Biology class and they all laughed.

Top comments

If she's your big sister, tell her that you were God's attempt to make up for the mistake he made when he created her ;)


perdix 29

Wouldn't that make you Satan? Make your sister serve Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, the mighty Beelzebub! . . . some deviled eggs would be nice :D

Perdition25 12

OP's sister already does serve. Satan obviously possessed OP's sister's fetus and attempted to kill her in the womb. The sister blamed God as a cover up.

Perdition25 12

Yeah, I'm a twin so a lot of the time that is my initial conclusion, my bad.

It did say they were twins in the op comment

Owned! Anyone? Really? I'll just leave then... I think I feel a sister verbal war coming...

The exact same thing happened to me. According to my parents I came out partially blue and my twin sister insists she thought she was in the 'old' times and wanted to be the first born so that she could inherit everything. I was apparently meant to be born first, but alas, I got choked on my way out.

It's just normal sibling rivalry. You guys are probably going to be on good terms, even if you or your sister are jokingly rude.

vrossie_ 15

Did someone just steal my FML? Wow... They did. -_-

I was born 72 days early, and when I say something dumb my boyfriend says its my "72 days early" kicking in... at least we are here to tell the tale op :)