
By carla - 13/01/2009 01:35 - France

Today, as I came out of some changing rooms in a clothes shop, I gave back all the stuff I'd tried on to a saleswoman. I then walk off, make it about a couple of yards, change my mind and decide to purchase one of the items I'd tried. When I get back, the saleswoman was spraying the changing room I'd used with deodorant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 566
You deserved it 10 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI!!! I know what it's like, having worked in retail. Sometimes deodorant isn't even good enough, you need to use the carpet odour-absorbing powder then vacuum it. Damn it people, quit being dirty and learn to shower AND change/wash your clothes so they don't smell like sweat and BO.


awe you must have felt so bad about urself!

13- I like ur profile pic :) the color of your eye is really pretty :) if thats even your eye lol

21 Although I happen to agree with you, that's what private messaging is for. :)

YDI!!! I know what it's like, having worked in retail. Sometimes deodorant isn't even good enough, you need to use the carpet odour-absorbing powder then vacuum it. Damn it people, quit being dirty and learn to shower AND change/wash your clothes so they don't smell like sweat and BO.

that's gross maybe now you will shower!

3milyzabc 0

ewww you deserve that if you smell that bad!!

prettygirlsonly 0

I work in a store and it happens a lot, ppl is nasty, ewww :S take a shower fgs

Don't feel too bad about that, I worked retail and it doesn't have to do anything with you, it just has to happen once everyday.

Mythbusterma 0

Some places do that every time someone uses the changing room

NoahLou 0

OMG that happened to me except I work in a gynecologists office and I was the one doing the spraying. That was a really akward moment.

I'm sorry are you an idiot? YDI for being a dumbass. No one wants places to smell like someone else, and there's no clothes to mask the scent, so they spray after EVERYONE in most every clothing store with changing rooms. Dumbass.

fatalkiss 0