By kaheera4 - 04/04/2014 22:38 - United States

Today, my mom visited, and I left her for a few minutes while I used the bathroom. While I was stuck taking a crap, she went on one of her religious rants, telling my children that Easter was off this year because their precious "pagan" Easter Bunny had been murdered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 127
You deserved it 3 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow that's messed up your mom shouldn't be going around killing the Easter bunny like that.

Oh the loving embrace of grandmothers


That is when you have a talk with your mother about over stepping boundaries

SBittick 20

What does she do for Christmas? Not get a tree?

an3ph 20

But then he rose again on the third day. Problem solved!

People take the concept of religion way too seriously. Hope the kids weren't scarred for life

Four names: Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, George Carlin. Watch their stuff online, and not only will you come away enlightened, but you'll have an enormous amount of intellectual weaponry to fight against religion, and completely destroy any bullshit any psychotic religious lunatic throws at you.

Even though Easter is pagen, it is pretty screwed up that she said a bunny got killed.

I hope you threw mom out and told your kids Grandma was hit in the head and wasn't thinking straight when she said such a horrible thing

Comeonseriously 8

Fyl OP. People like your mum are one of the many many reasons I'm no longer religious

skyeyez9 24

Not all religious people are asshats.

Comeonseriously 8

Seemingly just all the ones I've come into contact with

superdom 12

Religion is just one of those things that needs to die out