By fack - 26/11/2013 18:35 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my mom told me that when my sister and I were born, the first thing my dad said was, "I hope they don't turn out vegetarian." I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 540
You deserved it 10 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he still loves you anyway. You're definitely missing out though, meat is wonderful!

Wow. I'm glad your dad has his prioroties straight. Edit: sorry, 1's comment wasn't there when I posted mine.


Does he mean an actual vegetarian where you don't eat meat or being a lesbian where you still don't eat meat?

perdix 29

What a weird thing to wish for. Most of us carnivores have no problems with vegetarians (except those who try to push their diet on us.) -- their choice means more meat for us, at lower prices, to boot!

And all the heart attacks and cancers caused by these carnivores making unhealthy food choices makes more living space for the rest of us, at lower prices!

Zimmington 21

You are one of the worst kinds of vegetarians Moochi. Preaching your diet on every thread won't make someone change their diet...

I'm not trying to make anyone change their diet. I'm simply stating facts that lead to a healthier life style. I'm in no way saying "you're a murderer if you eat meat" "you need to stop because its bad for you" I'm simply stating facts which you can do with what you want. If you want to continue eating meat go ahead. That's your choice. Not mine.

It would be easier to understand your 'facts' if you cited your sources. The thing about 50% chance of heart attack with a meat diet sounds pretty outrageous.

Okay you retard, you aren't a carnivore no one in america or even the world is that is a human. You intake plants such as herbs and etc.. so you are a omnivore. Now that the stupidity level of your whole life has just skyrocketed to max from reading this, I need to go refill with some Stephen Hawking and then return to dismember this post. OKAY, NOW I'M BACK: More meat for you, at lower prices? HUH, Have you been to the store? "Oh I hunt and fish lolz, CUM@MEBRO" Okay, price of gas, bullets or wire, price of gun or pole you use and cost of blade used to skin and pan used to cook. Still lower than seeds and some water ?

TheDrifter 23

Yes. Every bit of soy and over 90 percent of corn, lentils and canola plus over half of all other grains grown in North America is gmo. I'll take my chances with hunting and fishing being cheaper in the long run than eating genetically engineered pesticides and diseases in mass quantities.

Every piece of GMO has a code on it somewhere stating that it is genetically modified. It doesn't say this outright. You have to find the code saying if it is or isn't but it HAS to have the code. Simply buy the food with the code saying it was grown naturally and you're fine. You can google which codes mean what and write it down to bring to the store the next time you go shopping. Problem solved. You're welcome(:

Oh moochi. you make me laugh. not a funny laugh but a sad laugh that I give to hipsters. vegetarianism isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. I can't think of a legitimate study that says get rid of meat completely because it's bad for you. meat is actually healthy in the right amounts and if cooked right. we are designed to eat both meat and veggies. it's when that ratio goes wack that things go wrong.

Also moochi, explain to me scientifically what is wrong with GMO's aside from rampant population growth from being able to feed more people? And don't quote news sources cuz they over hype it. "the man who reads nothing at all is still smarter than the man who reads just the newspaper"

131 - Fish is considered an acceptable alternative to land-based meat, provided you can get sufficient iron from other sources. I don't envy vegans because some nutrients are incredibly hard to get in sufficient quantities without eating animal products, such as Omega 3's. The only two viable sources I know of for those are salmon and eggs, with most supplements making use of either of them.

conqueror57 11

Omega 3s are also found in flax seed, a vegan alternative.

The only nutrient I can think of that you can't get from a vegan diet is B12. The only sources are meat, eggs, dairy, and certain bacteria that grow in the soil. So unless you plan to eat your veggies still covered in dirt and bacteria you'll need B12 supplements or artificially fortified foods.

thepretender10 4

That is a weird ass thing for a dad to wish for. It could be way worse.

The first thing I did with my daughter was sing her the Meow-Mix jingle. It's important to let your baby know what kind of a life they're in for.

with what? if you mean with her dad's comment then I guess you aren't good with empathy. She became exactly what her father didn't want her to become, and that one thing was something that should be excepted.

op do you look like a broccoli or something 'cause maybe your dad didn't want you to turn out to be a cannib*l YOU NEVER KNOW

Is cannibal suddenly a bad word? That reminds me of a joke. What's the worst thing about eating vegetables? ... The wheelchair. I know. I'm a horrible person. Don't mind me. I'll show myself out...of this mortal coil. *throws self off cliff*

chocolatefrog28 29

Because vegetarian is the worst possible thing you could have turned out as? Geez.

FYL OP, you never get to enjoy bacon! What a terrible, terrible life to live

OP gets to enjoy having a lot less medical problems though. That's a damn nice thing to enjoy.

Jordan_OL 10

Not necessarily. One of my friends has been a vegetarian his whole life and has gotten numerous skin conditions etc. due to a lack of things such as iron in the diet. Sure, you could get those through pills and such, but in order to get the same amount of, say iron that you would from a piece of steak, you would need to take quite a few tablets, due to the fact that quite a few pills take ages to fully digest and are often excreted before that happens.

conqueror57 11

Please, spinach and tomatoes have more iron than a steak. When a person is anemic, doctors recommend eating more high-protein vegetables, not red meat, because bodies are better able to absorb the iron. If your friend is getting skin diseases from deficiencies, he sucks at being a balance vegetarian.

I love little baby ducks Road kill from a truck Slow roasted lamb, and Spam I love hot dogs on a stick Frying frog legs that kick Thanksgiving turkey, and jerky And I love ewe stew