By fack - 26/11/2013 18:35 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my mom told me that when my sister and I were born, the first thing my dad said was, "I hope they don't turn out vegetarian." I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 540
You deserved it 10 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he still loves you anyway. You're definitely missing out though, meat is wonderful!

Wow. I'm glad your dad has his prioroties straight. Edit: sorry, 1's comment wasn't there when I posted mine.


Yeah, im sure that was the first thing he said about his new baby daughters

Jordan_OL 10

Hmm, I think maybe people are treating this too harshly out of context. It seems like the kind of thing a lot of fathers would say jokingly and if he hasn't made it clear to you that he's not happy with you being a vegetarian, I don't think he must mind too much tbh.

Huh, I saw this same FML in the 'Moderate the FMLs bit', but it said in that one that the Dad had said "I hope they don't turn out gay or vegetarian" and that the OP was both of those things. I wonder why it got changed? Anyway. I have a lot of respect for people who choose to be vegetarian. I've been vegetarian all my life and I could never even think about eating meat now because it's how I was brought up and it seems totally weird and alien to me. Props to you, OP. (And also if that original FML was correct and your Dad said he wished you weren't gay as well, I really do hope that was a joke in bad taste and that he's accepting of who you are.)

I wouldn't mind if my daughter is vegetarian but I don't want my son to be a vegetarian

Are you really that narrow minded that you actually mean that? In that case I don't think you were ready to be a parent.

theduder2013 5

Ohhhh what a horrible life. You can't choose wether or not you're a vegetarian or not. FYL! Life is horrible.

She is upset because she found out that her father's first thoughts when she was born was to bad-mouth the diet choice that she ended up following. She never said anything about being unsure of her diet, you inconsiderate moron.

I feel you. My dad also hates that I am a vegetarian... He used to force me to eat meat as a child. Good thing that you stuck to your own beliefs not his :)

The thing is that as a vegetarian you have to take supplements to stand in for the meat you aren't eating and the nutrition that comes with it. (this should tell you that we need meat to survive and you aren't actually bettering yourself to be honest but whatever) With that said, you should eat whatever your family gives you when you are living at their house, they shouldn't have to expense these supplements just because you are picky and self-righteous. I wouldn't buy this crap for you and I wont for my kids. If they want to live that way, fine, but they can get a job and buy it themselves.

My parents used to ******* force feed me meat. it wasn't an expense for me to become a vegetarian in their house; I would eat the same thing as them except without the meat. Yes it was unhealthy but better than me puking up their meat. You have no idea what it is for your parents not to except you just because of you ******* refused to murder. Every single ******* night I sat there and they would force me to swallow the damn meat which tasted like ******* blood and hate

at age thirteen my father finally let me stop eating meat but after all that time of being force fed there was no way that I would ever even taste meat again, don't you ******* tell me that a parent should be able to tell their kids that they had to partake in the killing of innocent animals. I don't have a problem with people eating meat, it's when they tell ME how to live MY life, when they tell ME that I SHOULD kill, that's when I get pissed and no child should have to deal with that

It's not about being picky and self righteous. I physically cannot eat meat. #172, I physically cringed when reading your message because I cannot touch meat, I can't even be in a room where it's being cooked, because I feel like it's going in my hair, covering my skin, or that I'm breathing it in. Not wanting to eat meat for whatever reason (mine is I guess ethical but also because to me, without exaggeration, it feels like cannibalism) is hugely different to being picky. I don't preach at other people not to eat meat but yeah, I would expect them to respect what I do and do not put into my body. And any parent who forces their child to eat meat is being a bad parent. Sorry but it's true. It can be a hugely psychologically damaging act for those who feel that guilty and disgusted by meat. (FYI, I don't take supplements)

There is no need for supplements; spinach, lentils, chia ect for iron, and many other things for other nutrients