By sweet pea - 22/09/2016 21:48 - Canada - Red Lake

Today, my mom told me she wouldn't be able to leave my middle-aged brother at home for Christmas in order to meet her first grandchild. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 389
You deserved it 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless your brother has some sort of disability that does not allow for him to be alone for extended periods of time, she just chose him over you and your new baby and she needs to know how upset that makes you. A middle age man can take care of himself. If he can't, that is 100 percent her fault and she needs to give him a sink or swim moment.


unless if there's some kind of disability involved, as some others have said- that's the moms fault and he is far too ******* old to be so irresponsible that he can't go an extended period of time alone.

Well why doesn't she just bring him along then? Problem solved!