By Anonymous - 15/12/2013 21:48 - Croatia - Rijeka

Today, my mom got pissed off at my doctor and called him a quack. She did this because he reassured her that I don't show any signs of the mental retardation that she's convinced herself I must have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 766
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sounds like a case looking to happen. Possibly should get her checked out!!!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Damn! Ignorant bitch? That jumping to conclu-- ....Yeah, she probably is.


Goblin182 26
YourVoiceofReasn 6

Perhaps she just has high expectations? Either way, you don't say shit like that.

sounds like you mom is the one with mental problems.

Sounds like your mom has Münchausen syndrome by proxy to careful, she may start trying to harm you in order to make it look like you need meds or other medical treatment.

The best would be if the doctor comes back saying your son/daughter is fine however I believe it is you who is quite mentally unstable. Imagine the tyrant this mother would be on if this had happened. FYL.

well naybe she's the mentally retarded one. .-.

Your mother has a disorder in which she harms her child for attention and can be very deadly to YOU!!! Seek help ASAP!!!