By Anonymous - 15/12/2013 21:48 - Croatia - Rijeka

Today, my mom got pissed off at my doctor and called him a quack. She did this because he reassured her that I don't show any signs of the mental retardation that she's convinced herself I must have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 766
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sounds like a case looking to happen. Possibly should get her checked out!!!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Damn! Ignorant bitch? That jumping to conclu-- ....Yeah, she probably is.


way to go retard. nah not really your mom is either committed to ******* with you, or she's just stupid. chin up as you're not alone, though my mom doesn't think I'm retarded.

perdix 29

Did someone help you write this? If not, that is so good for one of you people. Do you want a cookie?

Lmao she must be confused! I think she's the one who has it

Moonlessnite 5

Sounds like she needs someone to question her mental state. Sorry about that OP

kambrai0811 9

I'm sure she wanted that diagnoses so she could draw a disability check on you.

So what are you doing that makes her think you're retarded?

What on earth have you done to make her think such a thing? Get drunk and christen a hole in a shed a glory hole and have your dick bit by a black widow?

Maybe she was concerned that it may be hereditary.

she sounds like she has her own issues. ignore her listen to the doctor.