By HappyGirl - 28/10/2008 15:57 - France

Today, my little brother, who is 11, explained to me how babies are made. I’m 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 873
You deserved it 18 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kulawend 0

actually that would be: golf echo november india uniform sierra in the phonetic alphabet


Did he HAVE to explain it to you? That's the real question here.

That's the regular age to learn how babies are made. So this FML sucks @$$

Where's everyone getting that OP doesn't know? I could explain to you how to build a car. Does that mean you don't know? No.

HighlandShadows 48

Looks like the U.S. isn't the only country that's failing its students in the sex ed department...

Something tells me that the brother wasn't "teaching" OP how babies were made. I'm sure OP already knows. Still, I don't see why knowing that at 11 is weird.

Yeah, sure, whatever you say pal. *patpat*

Sit her down and ask her if she knows what that means . Good luck OP.