By Anonymous - 22/06/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my husband and I were getting it on when we heard a little giggle. I put on my robe and looked outside my room to find that no one was there. So we continued. I later called my seven year old son and out he came crawling from under the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 384
You deserved it 11 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

phobiaoffears 0

He laughs now, but later on in life he'll definitely regret doing that.


patray_angel 0

Kids can be hard to keep track of at times, but when it comes to having sex, the parents should definitely make sure they know where their kid is. I think 7 is a little too young to leave him alone doing whatever while you sneak away to go have sex. I don't think the kid will be scarred at all by this, because it doesn't sound like he knew what they were doing. As others mentioned, he just probably thought it was funny that his parents hadn't yet discovered he was there. During the day, parents should only have sex if their child is either taking a nap, at a friends house, or is no longer living at home.

likeduhhx4 0

well maybe you should write a book about when parents should have sex.

Cormophyte 0

YDI, for not securing the crotchfruit :P

DarthJeff 0

That's messed. Check on your kid before next time or get a babysitter.

Don't worry OP. Obviously your son loved the fact that he was hiding from you for so long, so he decided to let out a giggle to let you know where he is. But, you really should have checked everywhere before continuing your sexual activity. At least you can tell him all about it when he's older! =D

lifeislife_fml 0

There's been like...5 of these FML's this week where the kid witnesses the parents having sex.

wowfmlife 0

well #69 he obviously needs someone to keep an eye on him if hes sneaking under beds without the parents even taking notice

omgtayy 0

Hahahaa. If it makes you feel any better, when I was five, my parents woke me up when they were getting it on in the next room over. I got up, walked into their room, and they didn't realize I was there until I yelled, "MOMMY YOU MADE ME THINK THERE WERE PUPPIES IN HERE!!"

ughhh my mom leaves her thongs everywere