By Anonymous - 22/06/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my husband and I were getting it on when we heard a little giggle. I put on my robe and looked outside my room to find that no one was there. So we continued. I later called my seven year old son and out he came crawling from under the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 383
You deserved it 11 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

phobiaoffears 0

He laughs now, but later on in life he'll definitely regret doing that.


after reading all the comments, man, a lot of you are seriously stupid. to the OP, sucks about your situation, but i agree with the other posts on here. your son isn't going to be screwed up; obviously, if he was under the bed he didn't see anything, and at that age probably didn't know wtf was going on. so dont worry too much. thanks for sharing though, it was funny :D

Bitch stays at home, The man works and brings in the cash. therefore, it was the hoe's fault.

shelbysue282 0

are you kidding me?! are you that sexist...?! thats just wrong. it was no one's fault and i dont like being called a "hoe" just cause im not a guy. thats just shit

Foxracin 0

hes going to regret doing that later in his life..

You couldn't even help that one! FYL! The kid was sneaky and hid beneath the bed when you guys went at it! And frankthetank69/#103: Most of the world doesn't work that way anymore, just in case you didn't know that.

I don't understand why everyone keeps saying the kid's going to grow up messed up and sexually deviant. Hiding sex from children is a relatively new concept, people. Remember that human families lived for thousands of years in SINGLE room homes. When you had sex, everybody and their grandmother knew it, and nobody gave a flying turd.

Protegas 0

Haha, that had to suck :P Sounds like something my 8 year old brother would do to my parents, or my older brother lol. Ever since he started watching family guy, he's turned into a perv v.v Start checking under the bed? lol Or fill it with random things so there's no room for him to hide xD

Thank you. I'll be sure my kids won't watch Family Guy until they're 13.

Protegas 0

Yeah, that would be good >.> And southpark... and American dad... so on xD Can't really blame my parents, though, my grandmother gives him/lets him do whatever he wants. Hard to tame a spoiled child =/

Blubberr 0

He's gonna be soo damaged..

WOW people really need to grow up. like 27/28 said. sex is natural whether you like it or not your parents had sex for you to be here!

im sorry but i dont really believe it -.-

Mc09toofine 0

OK to those who say the kid's screwed up: he's not screwed up he probably laughed because he was under the bed and the bed was bouncing up and down and he heard strange noises so they were laughing at that! sheesh they're only 7 they're not gonna know what's going on!