By testom - 17/04/2015 18:15 - Netherlands - Rotterdam

Today, my husband accidentally erased some pictures from our hard drive. No worries, nothing major: just everything from our wedding and the birth of our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 691
You deserved it 3 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should always have a back up OP! Bad luck though.

Well at least you have him and the kid still! Better than pictures


That's why you should always back important stuff like that up...

poppunkette 22

I hope that you can get them recovered

alien93 2

You should be able to recover them with the right software. Hitting delete doesn't wipe files, it only tells the computer to forget where it is stored.

There are some programs out there that will help you recover them, but hurry. Do not use the computer till you are ready to install the software and recover the pics. Good luck Op. Know that he most likely is very upset also.

If something is that important YDI for not having a back up.. Computes fail and husbands screw up even worse

i_needa_username 17

Do u have any backups of them??

always back your pictures up! I lost my husband about a year ago and my memory card crashed shortly after, I was so happy that I had everything backed up!!!