By testom - 17/04/2015 18:15 - Netherlands - Rotterdam

Today, my husband accidentally erased some pictures from our hard drive. No worries, nothing major: just everything from our wedding and the birth of our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 691
You deserved it 3 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should always have a back up OP! Bad luck though.

Well at least you have him and the kid still! Better than pictures


If you plan to use Recurva or similar to retrieve them, it's important that you have two harddrives, because you're likely to corrupt the pictures putting them back on the same hard drive. And the more you use the computer, the less chance of getting those pictures back, as they get replaced with new data.

internet_nerd 3

Or you could use a USB stick or CD(s). It depends on how much data (in GB) you're recovering.

data recovery software is available for free that can recover deleted files. when you delete something its not really gone. your computer just forgets where to find it.

Give me some way to contact you. I work in data recovery and may be able to help you.

This is why you should always save your data in two places AKA back it up. That still sucks I'm sorry to hear that.

Google search on: freeware photo recovery software; the best known freebie is recuva.

Don't save anything on that hard drive and find some recovery software! They might be still there!!!!

Hopefully you are one to post lots of pictures on social media! There's a way to get your pictures back.

U know there is a program that u can use to get ur pictures back. I accidentally deleted our pict 2 years ago and fortunately I can get it back. just search on google disk recovery programm.

My mom accidentally taped over the first videos she had of me. Hope the episode of dr Phil and Oprah were worth it lol

sorry, your fault for not having a backup