By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 17:30 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a hand job when she started crying. Despite my pleas for her to stop and attempts to comfort her, she insisted that she continue. I feel like a monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 268
You deserved it 7 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a monster. A beautiful monster. Probably why she insisted that she continues.


Not to diss u or nothin but my gfs and I usually do something called sex, they have never cried when we do that, u could try that?

Did you find out what she was crying about?

Everybody knows im a motherf****** monstaaa

SamLiveFree_77 9

Why would you feel like a monster? She is in control of her own body and can stop when she wants to.

Half of you people are probably virgins anyways. So quit talking about how you get it an shit. Lmao.

jmassing1 7

Look at you, your hands your best bud

GoW_Chick 14

At least you cared enough to want to stop in the middle of a hand job OP some guys would of waited until after, but I still want to know why the poor girl was crying

There is something wrong with you. I hope you realize this. I suggest herbal tea, mediation, and insents. Primarily mediation, the rest is just to help you feel better before, after, and durring your meditation

jackassfan 7
crystalrain17 14

He told her to stop, but he should have demonstrated that by pulling away.