By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 17:30 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a hand job when she started crying. Despite my pleas for her to stop and attempts to comfort her, she insisted that she continue. I feel like a monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 268
You deserved it 7 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a monster. A beautiful monster. Probably why she insisted that she continues.


Buggsii7 4

Stop being so hard headed teehee and be a little more sensitive! :/

She sounds like a real keeper OP....and thumbs up to you for actually giving a shit about her feelings enough to insist she stop to figure out what's wrong...

Soo much confusion...i bet she got so confused about whether to stop or not she started crying.. xD

man that's crazy you need to check on her i think somethings going on wrong in her head.

-.- that's one determined girl. Idk what else to say.....

LanaToTheTA 13

Aw you really care about her :)

pabst4america 1

Girl wants that D rain or shine