By NinjaPanda88 - 01/08/2009 07:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend wanted to name my penis. After 5 minutes of thinking up names, she finally picked one. Say hello to Squirtle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 879
You deserved it 16 891

Same thing different taste

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Tippssy 0

Pokedex Entry: Squirtle Type: Water Height: 6.5 inches Moveset: Harden, Pound, Withdraw, String Shot


No FML here, man. :D Tell your girlfriend she's awesome for me, mkay?

sh00nie 0

i named my boyfriends' butters. haha.

bexox 0

Actually, that's kind of fitting. I have no idea what it is, but it contains "wood".

STVader 0

no, it sounds like pseudo-wood, as in, fake dick.

At least she didn't name it "Little Buddy".

MessyPaint 0

Every penis/pokemon joke has been done many, many times. Regardless, I grinned, no FML here.

hahahhahaahaha thats ******* hillarious. you should have slapped her. r named her Vag someting stinky

AmoraLynn 6

Aren't penis names supposed to be ridiculous anyway? Why should he slap her?

a better move list would be: Growth, Iron Defence, Fury Attack, and then finish with your Hyper Beam

Your girlfriend is awesome. Keep her. Find something to name each of her boobs that's a pokemon name, though. ;D