By NinjaPanda88 - 01/08/2009 07:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend wanted to name my penis. After 5 minutes of thinking up names, she finally picked one. Say hello to Squirtle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 879
You deserved it 16 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tippssy 0

Pokedex Entry: Squirtle Type: Water Height: 6.5 inches Moveset: Harden, Pound, Withdraw, String Shot


ok dude if you want to FYL b/c of the then your stupid your girlfriend is amazing if you dont want her i will take her :]] name he boobs something after pokemon too

lmmmr 0

Boobs are obviously Jigglypuffs.

If Squirtie is the winner, then I'd like like to know what the losers were? Floppy? Mr. Limpett? Cheesehead? Microsoft?

Hahaha. I agree, Microsoft FTW. You're hilarious, Plexico.

delfinofrank 0

Awesome GF, dude. How old are you guys. @58 that is sooooo funny.

That's awesome!!!!! Nothing to complain about there lol =).

deathbunny256 0

U should name her ****** probopass or Tangela

conan6 0


srysbizness 0
AmoraLynn 6

Thats fantastic your girlfriend gets major props, I wonder if my boyfriend will let me name his after a pokemon....hahahaha

Could someone explain to me the compulsion to name reproductive organs? I don't really understand it...

Hich17 0

A. Because they seem to have minds of their own, and B. So you can talk about it in public.

C. because guys don´t want a stranger to take 99% of there decisions ;P