By migsman - 15/09/2010 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me to stop saying "I love you" so much because it's starting to annoy her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 329
You deserved it 19 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Saying any combination of words over and over can be annoying no matter how heartfelt they may be.

well it would get annoying if you kept saying it


MissErikaHart 0

139, good job. anyone else wanna get on the bandwagon?

so because he's a guy he shouldnt address his feelings? in that case just because you have a vag doesn't mean you should be ******* stupid.

if he's saying it so much it's actually annoyed her so badly she's had to ask him to stop, I don't think she's in "the wrong" here haha. I went out with someone who did that.. I couldn't stand it and well she did say it pretty nicely.. haha. just think, like the less you say it the more it will mean to her when you do.

I asked my boyfriend to do the same thing a while back. we had only been together for a few months but we dated for a while and knew each other for a year before that. in a way we loved each other as friends before it turned into more, but he said "I love you" like every 30 second, occasionally he would wait 5 minutes. it does get annoying after a while when in between every sentence or just texting all your conversation is is "I love you" " I love you too".

My ex used to say it too much. She'd text me "I love you." at least once every day, how do you reply to just that?

..."I love you too"? That would be a logical response.

hd9280 0

yea but some bitches get all crazy if u say "...too". must we have to reiterate the same thing?!

I don't understand their issue with saying "...too". It's expressing a mutual agreement of love. I grew up experiencing everyone saying "I love you" and "I love you too".

hd9280 0

I guess cuz if u say "too".... just sounds like a responce. Instead of showing more emotion by repeating "I love you".

But then it just turns into an argument: "I love you!" "No, I love you!" "NO, DAMMIT, I LOVE YOU!!!" Hahaha.

FFML_314 11

I would like to get on the bandwagon. You're not cute, you're not clever, you're not hot, you're not smart. You look like you would sticky and you have 0 common sense. A woman like you, gives a woman like me a bad name. Keep that hole in your face shut. You're not some princess. You will never get anywhere in life with your attitude.

bets011 0

I tell my boyfriend that too. I mean I'm sure she understand you love her but she's probably tired of repeating "I love you too" all the time. That's how I am; limit yourself so many times a day and at the rightt times ya know?

MissErika- Normally those that claim to be able to "get anyone they want" are overcompensating. I totally agree with Anna on this one.