By Anonymous - 12/01/2014 00:03 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, my girlfriend told me that she is pregnant. I asked how it could be possible, since she's on birth control. She said she didn't know her antibiotics would interfere with it. She's a pharmacist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 109
You deserved it 8 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Just because she's a pharmacist, doesn't means she's a good one.

Or or or she just wanted to get pregnant?


FalconWhitaker 20

Your girlfriend's either lying or she's a bit of a twit. Either way, FYL.

Wow pretty sure that's the 1st thing you learn.

Sounds like she was screwing around at college

Birth control doesn't always work. My mom got pregnant with my brother even though she was on birth control.

since many people seem to forget to do it congratulations on your baby :) you know Paul is a good name if its a boy :)

Either she's not a very good pharmacist or she WANTS to be pregnant.

damnit1989 16

I have to say something to everyone saying that the doc usually tells you that when they prescribe either bc or antibiotics: not always. I was on bc for a while and no one told me. Granted, I already knew so when I was put on antibiotics I halted all sexual behavior, but no they do not always tell you. I'm more concerned that this is common knowledge and a pharmacist doesn't know. That would be pharmacology 101 type of information (I am not a pharmacist, I have no idea what's actually taught in what class; it's sarcasm) I wonder if she is lying and wanted to get pregnant.

Don't think of it as bad that's a child that's gonna be born into your life, whether for reasons you wanted or nOt

I'm on antibiotics frequently for a few health issues, I've had many that do interfere is birth control where the doctor forgot to mention right away and the pharmacist never said anything. Sometimes it may slip their mind, or they may guess you already know. It's possible it slipped her mind, maybe like others suggest she really wanted a baby, or maybe the both control just failed it's not 100%.