By NickC - 29/11/2009 00:40 - Malaysia

Today, my girlfriend's parents wanted to cook dinner for me. After a whole day of cooking up a storm, her parents cooked an elaborate meal of roast lamb, pork chops and grilled chicken. Rejecting a meal is like spitting in ones face in Chinese culture. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 195
You deserved it 14 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaytonexLuke 0

Why didn't you tell them that when you found out they wanted to cook for you? Unless you had no idea until you arrived for dinner. In which case, FYL indeed.

alex_vik 0

That sounds like a hell of a meal you missed out on.


LaytonexLuke 0

Why didn't you tell them that when you found out they wanted to cook for you? Unless you had no idea until you arrived for dinner. In which case, FYL indeed.

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LaytonexLuke 0

#2, if OP was vegetarian for a long time, the worst that could happen is that his body will reject the sudden change in diet and he'll spend about two days in the bathroom, puking pretty much non-stop. I was vegetarian for two years and I went through that after one helping of spag bol. If OPs been vegetarian for a long time, and has such a huge variety of meat... I'm pretty sure they'd see the resulting mess as just as much of an insult.

spiderman0606 0

That's like telling a jew to not eat kosher. The worst that could happen? Eternal damnation besides the whole body rejection thing, I tell you what. OP FYL indeed. Did you put aside your inner hippy beliefs for the night or did you totally offend your gf's parents?

Reyo 2

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wow, really? How is it healthier? Because if you eat stuff that DOESN'T mess up your system, it is healthier. That's sort of like asking how someone with lactose intolerance can be healthier without drinking milk if drinking milk makes them sick.

#10 I'm sorry but how many long term vegetarians(real ones, no fish no chicken none that fake vegetarianism) have you known that have then eaten excessive amounts of meat? Really a claim like that is bs. Its all about the bodies conditioning. If you are not using the specific digestive enzymes for a while they will obviosuly stop being produced. This means someone is unable to digest the meat and then uh oh. Severe vomitting and or diharea. Fun right. Its not that its healthy or unhealthy is just conditioning. Ps im not a vegetarian

Really? I loathe meat eaters who act stuck up and try to convince vegetarians that we were created to eat meat. And the OP isn't a douche for rejecting a meal. The in-laws should've asked first. What if the OP was allergic to one of the ingredients in a meal? Would they be considered assholes for not sucking it up and eating it only to please the girlfriend's parents?

@20: Meat doesn't mess up your insides. We are perfectly capable of processing it; we are omnivores. Try again. I agree with 1 that OP should have said something damn it. I doubt he didn't know they were cooking. People who have limiting diets need to SAY SOMETHING, just in case.

Lol and how many vegetarians are there that try to guilt trip us carnivores. The worst (and there are many of them) who will try to guilt trip you during a meal while you have the meat in front of you. (ps i know not all vegetarians are like that, i have a veggie friend who shares similar thoughts)

None of the vegetarians I know do that. They just quietly mind their own business, and they don't stick their nose in to tell people what not to eat. Sadly though, many meat eaters do this. Some meat eaters act like assholes and tell people to "suck it up" or that the "op" deserves it for not eating meat. Many of them also bring in religion or science into the argument. Well congrats, more meat for you. Go fetch. *throws a steak* But meat eaters who are fine with what they have on their plate should mind their own business. What other people eat doesn't concern you. Unless a vegetarian starts talking shit about what's on your plate, don't say crap about theirs.

Vegetarians aren't nearly as bad as vegans, who bitch at vegetarians too! lol

Veagens are the most unhealthy, although i've only every known one, she was very very fat and a terrible person.

LaytonexLuke - his body would NOT reject the "sudden change of diet". Do you puke for a whole day after trying something new? If you were puking for two days after the spaghetti bolognaise then I'll bet you anything it wasn't the spaghetti, because it would have been out of your system after half a day. isantorin - what a stupid analogy. People who are lactose intolerant are INTOLERANT. It's like an ALLERGY. Vegetarians are vegetarian because they choose to be, not because they have an allergy to meat. It doesn't make them sick.

Uh, hello. I'm vegetarian, and have been for most of my life. I can tell you if I eat meat, I get pretty sick. My body isn't used to breaking such things down and it's quite painful.

birds_fml 7

As a vegetarian, I had to say YDI. You ought to know to tell people that you don't eat meat when they want to cook a meal just for you, to avoid this sort of situation. If you didn't know there was a meal being made for you, then why didn't your girlfriend tell her parents? Did she not know (unlikely) or does she just not care? If it's the former, then YDI, if it's the latter, then dump her for being so insensitive.

These vegetarians getting sick from meat could also be making themselves sick from the thought of it, you know... Just getting sick doesn't prove that the meat destroyed your system. Stupid vegetarians...

You guys need to research before posting bs. As a former vegan, I can definitely say it was a painful few days after eating some eggs and fish for the first time. When I moved to Thailand, the first meal I ate with my host family was some fish, an omelette, and a sip of milk. It was very delicious, but I can definitely say I could not eat for the rest of that day because I got so sick. This went on for about a month. It definitely does take some adjusting to meat after vegetarianism.

well, where to begin... OP: as most of the vegetarians and vegetarian friendlies out there have mentioned, if you knew you were going to be having dinner, you should've let it be known that are in fact vegetarian and requested something available for you to eat. No_Heart: also as pretty much everyone's pointed out, being veg for a while will make you absolutely gut retching sick if you eat meat when you haven't for a long while. LaytonexLuke: completely agree from past experience, my ex who hadn't gone veg a single day in her life thought it would be okay to serve chicken, and on the plane ride back home insisted it was the flight that made me absolutely miserable.. Reyo: how much of a dipshit can you possibly be? the whole "how can it be the 'healthier' diet?" is just complete ignorance. if your body gets used to NOT eating something (namely meat and dairy/eggs) and you suddenly (re)introduce it to your system, you're going to be sick for at least half a day, my experience was 3 days. and wtf is the whole "i don't know any non-vegitarians who react so strongly when in the same situation..." shit? A) vegEtarian as in eating vegEtables, not vegitables *facepalm* B) NO ******* SHIT! a non veg obviously wouldn't be confronted with the same issues of eating meat which would make you ABSOLUTELY ******* SICK opposed to more or less insulting their family by not eating anything because of the whole simple little fact that THEY WON'T GET ABSOLUTELY ******* SICK EATING SAID MEAT UNLESS IT'S NOT PREPARED PROPERLY! but gotta love the self righteousness of you and the rest who think like you in degrading us veggies who choose to not eat meat and thus belittle us for it. sure there are some extremists who ball bash meat eaters, but only some. and only person acting like a stuck-up douche is you buddy ;) oh, and we hate you too :D isantorin: complete agreement on my end ;) friday1892: also agree, i hate those that "go" veg for the sake of being able to say that they are as if it's a trend. if you're a true vegetarian for over a year (that's when i was convinced to eat meat sadly... stupid *****) then you will definitely feel sick afterwards. o3o: exactly my thoughts too ;) damegraywulf: partially agree, as far as the limited diets issue goes, but other than that, we ARE capable but after not eating meat our bodies are no longer properly capable of digesting it without any repercussions. friday1892 (again): sadly there are those that try to guilt trip omnivores into going veg, but not all of us ;) if you ask why i don't eat meat, i'll tell you and give you some facts about why it's clinically the better diet if done properly. but otherwise idc if you eat meat or not, that's your business, if you ballbash me for not eating meat, that's when i get edgy. o3o (also again): also again, my thoughts exactly :D damegreywulf (dammit how many posted twice?): i was vegan for about a year and a half and actually recently went vegetarian, but being vegan is only a more strict diet, sadly there are those that bitch out vegetarians for not being true veggies, but they're vastly outnumbered (from my experience). no_heart (i hate you all): vegan CAN be most unhealthy if done improperly, it's definitely harder to pull off in a safe and healthy manner, but still doable. rbg: surprise surprise :) you're on early, but then i guess i am too >.< but i can feel you on that though :( (some are repeats thus i'm skipping) fpslife: meh, i get sick from the thought of eating meat, but not sending me into the body shut down like it did. udon: love those noodles ;) but yeah, i went vegetarian 6 months ago or so, and i had a salad with ranch dressing and was nauseous the rest of the day :( okay, sorry for the extremely long post, but i had to correct some people and also point out good opinions ;) but for those who (again) ball bash us veg-heads out there, grow up and come on down off of that high pedestal you put yourself on. and god help me if i read any more of the dipshit comments about "we were born to eat meat" blah blah blah. too early for that type of headache ;)

cucuto89 0

Humans are designed to be omnivores. Hence why our stomachs can digest both meat and leaves

Don't talk about shit you know nothing about. Meat is hard to digest to begin with- a lot of it /doesn't/ get digested, actually. Now, try putting it through on a body used to digesting much simpler things- and things that aren't pumped full of chemicals, antibiotics, and such. It doesn't work so well. You get very sick. My friend is a vegan, and she gets miserably sick- even if she doesn't realise she's eaten meat or dairy or eggs. Usually, she only finds out because she checks the package afterword. It happens to me, too. I get sick if I eat something if it even just has chicken broth in it or something, and even if I don't know it. I'd probably curl up in pain for an entire day if I ever ate meat.

Apparently all of my comments are destined to not go to where they're supposed to. @the person talking about the fat, terrible vegan: Did she eat nothing but junk food? o_9 Typically, vegans are even healthier than vegetarians even, let alone meat-eaters. Even lower chance of heart disease and obesity and such. Of course, it's like ANY diet- meat-included, plant-based, whatever- you have to watch what you eat, not just load up with junk. Vegans tend to be very healthy, and it's easy to do, if you make your own living, or have a supportive family. Obviously, you have to do more than just eat... like, potatoes every day, yeah, then you'd be unhealthy. but you have to eat a variety of foods, regardless of what diet you have, so it's not really exclusive to vegans.

lol that's what i did! couldn't eat anything really other than shit i'd have to make, and my lazy ass doesn't like to cook if i don't have to, so..... taco bell/pizza hut breadsticks on a regular basis :D lots of soda too :( but yeah, they're typically healthier, but you still always have those that don't do it properly. idk if my stomach would protest to chicken broth though... but i've never had chicken broth since, i always read the label, they sneak that shit in there when you'd least expect it! but as far as the comments not being posted wher eyou want. i think you're hitting reply to a certain person and hoping it would post underneath them yes? cuz it goes from original comments by number in a downward fashion like 1 2 3 etc, and then it goes sub-comments like 1 24 68 119 2 3 if that makes sense ;)

lol that's what i did! couldn't eat anything really other than shit i'd have to make, and my lazy ass doesn't like to cook if i don't have to, so..... taco bell/pizza hut breadsticks on a regular basis :D lots of soda too :( but yeah, they're typically healthier, but you still always have those that don't do it properly. idk if my stomach would protest to chicken broth though... but i've never had chicken broth since, i always read the label, they sneak that shit in there when you'd least expect it! but as far as the comments not being posted wher eyou want. i think you're hitting reply to a certain person and hoping it would post underneath them yes? cuz it goes from original comments by number in a downward fashion like 1 2 3 etc, and then it goes sub-comments like 1 24 68 119 2 3 if that makes sense ;)

you dont digest meat because human stomach acid cant break down meat unlike true carnivores which have very strong stomach acids the meat is rotting in your bowels and you digest the rotting mass. (try eating rotting meat - of course you cant - bad smell is a way your body warns you about dangerous food)

you know why you get sick? cause being vegetarian isn't healthy to begin with. you get more suspectible to illness and your body immunity is a lot lower than that of a normal person's. it's proven that vegetarians live shorter lives than people who eat meat. of course i'm sure someone who eats nothing but meat is not going to live a very long life either. the key is balance. we were not built to be purely leaf eaters.

#27: Yeah, that's how it works, you ask someone everything that possiby could be true, just in case it is. If you cook a meal for someone you assume they're fine unless they tell you otherwise, because the majority of people /are/ fine. Its the girlfriends fault for not telling them when they were first invited over. Anyway, hopefully he ate it and it was all fine 8-)

well in a way yes we do need meat. humans are omnivors. meaning we eat meat, vegtables, fruits ect. meat is probably just as important as vegtables. meat has all the great protein and such. but its fair if someone dosen't eat meat. either because they dont like it or they dont get enough of it and eating it makes them sick. (thats why a friend of mine dosen't eat meat) meat eaters aren't 'stuck up' its TRUE we do need meat in our diet. BUT, vegitarians can find their substitutes. I dont have a problem with vegitarians. all though its irritating when a vegitarian dosen't eat meat because its from an animal. (like the kind of PETA crazy vegitarian people) I adore animals but I will not take meat out of my diet for that purpose. But vegitarians have the right to be vegitarians and meat eaters have the right to be meat eaters. but if you going to be a vegitarian dont pretend like meat isn't apart of the average human diet. like I said we are omnivors. and thats just the truth but it dosen't mean you have to eat meat.

VereorTenebrae 0
alex_vik 0

That sounds like a hell of a meal you missed out on.

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Both vegetarian and omnivorous diets can be healthy. Man wasn't "created to eat meat", we have the logic and the privilege to make our own choices. Anyway, if you're designed to be a hunter I'd like to see you chase down an antelope and tear the flesh off its bones with your bare teeth dumbass.

Belief_fml 0

We weren't "created" to eat meat, but we were evolutionarily designed to eat both meant and plants. To not eat one is usually idiotic, but in the day and age where we no longer have to actually hunt and find our food, you can choose any diet you like. But know biologically you are designed to eat meat and plants, which is why most people do and it is a lot easier than just eating one. You have to closely watch what you eat when you phase out either meat or plants. Stupid if you ask me but it is your choice.

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No, you really don't have to 'closely' watch. I don't watch what I eat at ALL, except calories counting, and I'm perfectly healthy. The only worry I have, is my iron, which has been a problem since I was young- way before I was a vegetarian. I don't know any vegetarians that really have to watch what they eat to stay healthy.

Isn't counting calories, in a sense, watching what you're eating? Vegetarians DO have to watch what they eat to stay healthy, just like everyone else does. If a vegetarian thinks it's okay to regularly eat things like ordered pizza, chips, candy, soda, etc, he or she won't be healthy (of course this is true with people who eat meat, too). Being a vegetarian doesn't automatically mean you'll be healthy; you still need to be as careful as anyone else.

Okay... Simple as this: Don't be vegetarian. Stop. Now. It's just unhealthy, humans are meant to be omnivore. A lack of either meat or vegetals is unhealthy, and no tofu will ever change that.

birds_fml 7

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Meat and fish have the most protein, while vegetables have the most vitamins of, we'll, everything else else. idk what you're talking about. We were meant to be omnivores.

You can yeah. Personally, I would like to be a vegetarian, but I really like meat. It would be alot better for the environment if we all cut back on our meat intake - livestock injects ALOT of carbon into the atmosphere.

Humans are not 'meant' to be omnivores, they evolved to it out of need, back when men had to hunt and scavenge to find the food that was scarce. Any nutrients in meat, can be found in other sources- without hormones, antibiotics, and without causing hypertension, heart disease, increasing your risk of diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Many vegetarians find themselves with healthier hair, skin, nails, and feel better, feel healthier and more active after switching to a meat-free diet.

Swallow your pride and suck it up. You only get one first impression.

Hey! Malaysian! Woot! It's not THAT bad. They should understand. And wow, 2nd FML in 2 days?

v1kt4r 13

Chances are her parents are over 50, they dont even know that vegeterian shit, b like "what, u dont eat meat, sam ting wong!!!" For real i dont see how he would get out of this one with out insulting her parents

Vegetarianism has been around since the dawn of time. Many people in Biblical times- and before then- were vegetarian. It was not unknown, not at all. Even in more recent culture, it surfaced majorly in the US early on, thanks to Kellogg- yes, the Cornflakes guy. He was a health nut, and a doctor, and advocated a vegetarian diet-- and it got a mass following. And that was in the 1800-1900's. So, yeah, they probably DO know about that 'vegetarian thing'.

It's not really one time. Chances are there will be more meals at her parent's house. Meals I'm sure the parents will sometimes cook. If he eats it the once, he has to eat it every time after or tell them he lied to them, which I'm sure would also be insulting. If he knew about it before, he should have said something at that time. I'm surprised the girlfriend didn't say anything to them. Also, being a vegetarian is a personal choice. #7, there are other ways to get the nutrients you need, not just meat. And I'm not sure where a lack of vegetables comes into play. As far as I know, vegetables are typically part of a vegetarian diet.

the person was trying to that you need both an equal amount of meat and vegetables to have a healthy diet.. he wasnt saying that just about vegetarians. he was talking about the general population

hahahah and this is why i don't live in malaysia,come to singapore muh fuckaaaaas across the damn causeway!

I don't get it. I think your girlfriend should know that and let her parents know when they offered to cook dinner... I'm just saying