By candy man - 04/09/2014 19:32 - United States - Chapel Hill

Today, my girlfriend got up in the middle of sex saying, "You're taking too long, I'm gonna go make some popcorn." I asked her if she could get me some. She said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 730
You deserved it 10 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a new one. I didn't know there was such a thing as " taking too long" for a girl. I say you deserved the popcorn at least.


I'm sure the popcorn part wasn't a big deal, but in the middle of sex? That's a bit harsh.. Try doing something to cheer her up?

rachangie 19

To cheer her up? I feel as though she should be the one doing the cheering up. She got hers and then stopped before he could get any and then refused him popcorn. That's all a little harsh especially if OP was in the moment and caught off guard. I couldn't imagine doing any of this to a guy....that's just terrible.

I don't think she deserved anything, personally.

She got hers? How do you know? Most women do not get off from sex, and a good percentage of men do not do oral sex or foreplay long enough to get the woman off. Which means if you're going longer than 20 minutes, we are sore and bored.

#108, you sound so jaded. Statistics are nice and all, but if the dude really cares, he will try and get you off whatever way he can. And instead of being silent and just waiting, why not say something and resolve the issue?

trellz17 19

If it was caramel popcorn I can understand.

Cheese popcorn is irresistible. When you get that urge, you just need to satisfy it.

it sounds like you may need better techniques to keep her interested. no popcorn for you!

popcorn with honey mustard as a dip is awesome.

omg usually the girl wants u to take longer.

Nah, I'd be in the market for a 30-second wonder as long as he could get me off first! (Waits for flood of offers from about 85% of male FMLers)

shes either bored (ste up your game OP!) or possibly sore from him taking too long. the motion of him thrusting into her will start to hurt after a short while if she cant stay lubricated. also, depending on the size of her ****** and the size of his penis, he may be hitting her cervix which will get sore if he is hitting it repeatedly.

ColonelCusswords 24

better get better at sex, if she'll bail on you for popcorn she'll bail on you for anything

Or maybe she could just tell him how she wants it during the act instead of turning into Superbitch by getting up and leaving.

sorahearts_fml 10