By Anonymous - 14/11/2010 00:45 - Germany

Today, my girlfriend and I were lying in her bed. We fooled around and were about to have sex as she suddenly began to cry without any reason. She cried for 30 minutes until I finally managed to calm her down. She said there was no reason for her crying. Then she fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 135
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipity147 0

she was molested that happened to me and that was why


EvilDave 13

OP, leave her. Don't walk away. Run, run very fast away from her.

she cheated on you. that's why she started crying before sex because she wants to explain but yet she doesn't want to lose you.

she cheated on you. that's why she started crying before sex because she wants to explain but yet she doesn't want to lose you.

Your girlfriend sounds kinda psycho, I would dump her.

tarheels32388 0
franwins0827 7
InCrediFuqAmaZin 0

What happened to the good old days when girls just said they had a head ache?

My guess is she was either molested or raped. Those are hard things to admit or explain, so I would say it was for no reason too. Or maybe she's just scared of sex-- some people are!