By Anonymous - 14/11/2010 00:45 - Germany

Today, my girlfriend and I were lying in her bed. We fooled around and were about to have sex as she suddenly began to cry without any reason. She cried for 30 minutes until I finally managed to calm her down. She said there was no reason for her crying. Then she fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 135
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipity147 0

she was molested that happened to me and that was why


hungarian93 0

ben360 thas pretty mean. ur prolly butt ugly. thas why yu don't have a real picture put up. so I wuldnt be talkin ya prick

Uhm, maybe she just had a bad day and didn't want to further depress you by talking about it? Happens sometimes.

Paradoodle 5
funzcpl 0

no if so she would have been freaking out because his face was melting.

she probably cheated & is now in love with the other dude

What did that came from?Seems to me that u have done it before that's how u know:P Still,there could be a lot of reasons.

#47 - Yeah, and he (or she) was just offering up a suggestion about what it could have been.

135 Reaaaaally????You don't say..........!!!!

dynky 3

Sounds like she doesn't want to sleep with you but isn't comfortable saying so. Back off.

Quest_ 13

I sincerely hate it when people think they have a right to comment on the way a complete stranger looks. Absolutely pathetic.