By Anonymous - 14/11/2010 00:45 - Germany

Today, my girlfriend and I were lying in her bed. We fooled around and were about to have sex as she suddenly began to cry without any reason. She cried for 30 minutes until I finally managed to calm her down. She said there was no reason for her crying. Then she fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 135
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipity147 0

she was molested that happened to me and that was why


Why do all the good girls on the internet who come to men's defense even if they're not good looking not exist in real life is my question

hotcaligirl 10

Maybe she was sexually traumatized before you're encounter.. as a kid or even recently. You never know.

its the birth control pills man they do that

budd28 0

ok so there's only like 2 reasons a girl cries wen she's about to have sex either she's a virgin or your tool is too disappointing to play with

jewelsfml 0

she's probably cheating on u...hate to say it. but that's what some chick did to this Guy, came home crying saying nothing was wrong. sure there was but she couldn't tell him

dyvynation13 0

Haha I thought my bf was ****** for everytime pulled on his shorts he'd freak loldamn my bad

kittylovespandas 0

XD i read this, while talking on the phone with my boyfriend. im exactly like that...i cry for no reason. aaaalllll the time, and he goes "i feel bad for that guy" -.-

alexicanaaa 7

Aw and you didn't get your sex?! Awww poor thing, maybe your penis won't fall off!