By Punk - 07/06/2011 20:07 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting it on for the first time. Just as I was about to climax, I spotted my greatest fear, a big wasp, only a few inches away from me. I shuddered and made a very unmanly orgasm wail. She now refuses to have sex because she says I "turned her off forever". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 440
You deserved it 11 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like she's immature. probably shouldn't be bangin that kinda drama anyway.

I bet the wasp was evilly laughing in the next room.


Millman_fml 9

Wow that really sucks. FYL. I probably would've done the same though :P I agree with #3 alot

EvilTeddysRock 2

Aw I'm sorry,that was really mean on her behalf, but LOL I seriously couldn't stop laughing this is the 1st fml that's ever made me crack up.But on a serious note,her being stuck up over something like that is unacceptable.I would be like "yeah,well your crotch turned me off forever.I wasn't orgasming that was me holding back from barfing on your face!" and be done with it.

Kill that wasp like a man, to prove your alpha male dominance!!

LilSideTwerk 0

that sucks that you let a wasp stop you from having sex fyl!

find out her biggest fear and use it on her the next time you guys do it

Now your greatest fear can be that you might never get laid again.