By steven - 24/06/2009 15:33 - Canada

Today, my friend said he'd give me 20 bucks if I would ask out the ugliest girl in school. I did it. She rejected me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 987
You deserved it 112 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably because she knew you were doing it as a joke. you're a jerk you asshole.


Why is evryone saying he's an asshole? This is pretty funny.

renyark209 0

Haha girls can be like that. Some girls at my school, for example, just know when guys are ****** with them and will just say no right on the spot. Either way, YDI

renyark209 0

And thats another thing. It really pisses me off how people will just jump to conclusions and just assume the guys is ugly. One of my friends did that to a pretty ugly girl for a bet and was rejected not because she thought he was ugly, but becaise she knew they were just screwin or at least believed so.

AHAHA your an asshole. Hope it felt like a kick in the nuts guess your not the HOT SHIT you thought you were eh buddy. Well on the plus side you know have $20.00 you can buy some **** and lube because not even the ugliest girl at school wants you :D you life is definetly ******. OP just joined the V card for life group

Jiska1990 0

Not every 'ugly' person is desperate.. Why shouldn't she reject you? It IS possible she just didn't like you!

poor girl. she probably thought it was a joke so she said no. or you might be really ugly.

You get 20 bucks, and you don't have to date the ugliest girl in school. What's the problem here?

seb12992 0

YDI hands down. And how the hell is this an FML? If this girl is so ugly then why would you want to go out with her in the first place? You should be happy she said no. And you got $20 out of it. God, the OP is a straight jackass.

neokiller_fml 0

Oh my god haha I bet your british ugly **** aahhhahahahah

100% YDI! You horrible person! That's heartless and cruel to fake ask out someone! No wonder she rejected you! She probably knew the horrible nasty person you are!

awesomeperson 0

#152 agreed. totally agreed. what a fricking ass