By exfiancee - 05/08/2012 13:20 - United States - Summerville

Today, my fiancé told me that he was having second thoughts on our engagement. Instead of just calling it off, he took me to a fancy restaurant and took a public poll on whether we should get married. The majority said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 450
You deserved it 2 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mearemoi 14

Could be worse. Could have been McDonalds.


icadragoon 11

Maybe because he took a public poll they decided he wasn't good enough for you. Take it as a blessing in disguise.

lena85_fml 7

I hope you don't end up marrying him, you don't want to make that mistake if he is having doubts. You don't want to get a divorce after only a couple of months of marriage.

coughyochick 7

You couldn't figure out how bad it was. But strangers could?

Maybe the people there decided he was a total douche and you could do better.

I say "no" too. But the only opinion that matters are yours and his. Do you really want to marry someone having second thoughts?

I think the people polled said "no" because they thought you shouldn't marry someone who would take a public poll on whether or not he should marry you. Given your username, it seems that he followed through with their advice. It may be heartbreaking right now, but in the long fun you'll be better off. I can't imagine anyone being happy spending the rest of their life with such an inconsiderate asshole.

You know, Op, up until your man took a public poll on your future together, I was going to suggest talking it through with him and figure out where he has his doubts/second thoughts. Maybe it's just cold feet or insecurities or such. Now that I read the whole thing.....I have no idea why he took a public poll or how he thought that was tasteful, intelligent or considerate to your feelings. Perhaps the public Did do you a favour, he if was foolish enough to listen to them. I'm sorry Op, for your own sake, perhaps you're better off moving on. :(

If he's doubting now, the answer is always 'no'. It wouldn't get any better anyway.

TriflingAllDay 6

He went with his lifeline "ask the audience". I personally would have gone with " 50/50".