By BeatenUpPup - 18/05/2009 12:22 - Canada

Today, my daughter and I were at a school carnival. At the face painting station, she sat down and asked for a kitty on her face. Next, she shoved me on a chair and whispered something into the lady's ear. I ended up with a 'black eye' by request of my own daughter. She's 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 202
You deserved it 5 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

At least she didn't ask her to paint a penis on your face.

Wouldn't you have thought something or asked while they were painting around your eye?


that sucks for you but understand that she's only 4 and she probably didn't think anything of it she probably just thought it would be funny

AlexNeenan 0

At first I thought this was hard to understand...but not an FML. Then I realized the FML is because your daughter thinks you look better after your husband beats you! Definitely FYL in that case.

jeanniner 0

at least it wasn't a real one...

it could very well be her making your a dalmation from 101 Dalmations, there was one that only had one spot on his face

simplewhimsy 0

Well gee, the obvious thing to do is to ask why she wanted the lady to paint a black eye on your face instead of immediately feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe your daughter just thought it looks cool. She's FOUR. :P

this isnt even funny, i dont get what about it is supposed to be funny so its not really a fml

that's great! why do people never appreciate the hilarious things kids do?

I think everyone is overlooking the real problem - your four year old wanted pussy on her face.