By catlover - 20/05/2009 09:07 - Australia

Today, my cat kept sneezing all morning so I took her to the vet. $150 later and the vet says she's fine. I get home and the noise starts up again. My automatic air freshener spray sounds just like my cat sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 515
You deserved it 52 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you take your cat to the vet for sneezing? Especially for only a morning. Kittys get colds too.

You can't ever get out of the vet without spending at LEAST $100. Even when there's nothing wrong. Sorry that sucks.


panda24 0

Well, congratulations on being an excellent pet owner ;-) Your kitty is lucky to have you!

lmmmr 0

You don't really think things through, do you?

so you never saw your cat sneeze, as though that would be a big problem anyway? YDI.

They really do sound the same. At least you're a good owner!

iloveml 0

congratulations for being a loving pet owner. you care enough to take your pet to the vet. for a sneeze.. that you didnt even see happening.. which ended up being an air freshener.. so let me rephrase that. congratulations on being dumb and throwing your money away. if you actually cared you would take a look at your pet and watch it sneeze before you decided to do someting about it

planetearth 0

Um you never even saw your cat doing the sneezing? You're an idiot.

Your doing harm to your cat by letting it breath in all those toxic fumes the air freshener is releasing. There, now send me $150 cause I just made it so your cat will live longer!!

SurpriseButtseks 0

Lol! Sucks you had to spend the money, but hey... at least your cat got a checkup and everyone on here got a laugh.

Awhh that's cute and funny- it's too bad it had a high cost with it though. At least you know your cat is healthy! Not a FML- just a very good owner to your kitty :)