By catlover - 20/05/2009 09:07 - Australia

Today, my cat kept sneezing all morning so I took her to the vet. $150 later and the vet says she's fine. I get home and the noise starts up again. My automatic air freshener spray sounds just like my cat sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 515
You deserved it 52 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you take your cat to the vet for sneezing? Especially for only a morning. Kittys get colds too.

You can't ever get out of the vet without spending at LEAST $100. Even when there's nothing wrong. Sorry that sucks.


I'm sorry you lost that money but I'm genuinely moved you were so caring and concerned about your cat. I've heard horror stories about people neglecting their pets and not taking them to the vets even when they're in agony because the cost of the vets bills is more than the original cost of the animal, like it's a broken stereo or something.

krazidrea 0


That sounds just like my mother, who took her dying dog to an insanely expensive vet 75 miles away so they could charge her $550 and say she should put it down. Because it's dying. Animals get sick!!!!! Take it to the vet if it is in serious trouble, but don't pay for the vet's pool.

katie_bby 0

LMFAO! that's hilarious. poor kitty.

Hahaha I'd do something like that too. That's hilarious, FYL.

coldplaylive2003 0
judomemo 0

this was sad and about one of the funniest things I have heard of

hahah id laughed in his face if he tries to charge me more then 20 bucks for saying "she's fine" mweh anti ******* flood

That is why I always called the industrial ones in my dorm building "sneeze boxes". I also replaced the air freshener can with an air horn once. Either way, that sucks.