By catlover - 20/05/2009 09:07 - Australia

Today, my cat kept sneezing all morning so I took her to the vet. $150 later and the vet says she's fine. I get home and the noise starts up again. My automatic air freshener spray sounds just like my cat sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 515
You deserved it 52 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you take your cat to the vet for sneezing? Especially for only a morning. Kittys get colds too.

You can't ever get out of the vet without spending at LEAST $100. Even when there's nothing wrong. Sorry that sucks.


Hard earned money wasted for nothin, huh? But it's good that you care about your kitty. =]

well, at least nothing's wrong with your cat. it's good to get a check-up every now and then anyway.

rachelbrianna25 0

good on you for taking care of you cat!

I agree with #8. You should be able to see that it wasn't the cat sneezing... if a cat sneeezes she just sitting nicely looking around but shakes her head just like humans do...

Well at least you know your cat is all right! And think of it this way, you know its okay for other things too. :) I'm sure if they saw anything else wrong during the check-up they would have let you know.

Hahahaha~ Sorry pal, but I had a cute imagination of how your cat kept sneezing xD Tho it was fake xD

LaTuaCantante 0
whoaalexgoalex 0

Omg! I just got an air frshener that sprays every like 30 minutes and it sounds JUST LIKE my cats wow. lol

i think this has been the funniest comment i've read all day. i could imagine the scene, the compasion, the relief, the hole in the pocket and then the realisation.DOH!