By mlustpdx - 04/09/2014 17:47 - United States - Clackamas

Today, my cat decided to use my bowl of rice krispies as his litter box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 964
You deserved it 5 013

mlustpdx tells us more.

true. and the reason why is my son decided to block the opening to the litter box and the cereal looked like his litter. can't get made about that


cjwayy 22

I really hope you noticed that before taking another bite

I just want to know... was there milk in the bowl?

I looked at this and it was so obviously FYL that I thought I had already clicked it.

Just another example of how cats are trying to destroy humanity... Next they'll be peeing in your coffee.

PoisonOrchid 21

Now that would just be pure evil.

Ihavegas 22

same thing happened in police academy 2. " Aw, jeez. Bunky? Bunky? How many times I gotta tell ya? The litter box, the litter box!"

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that remembered this scene.

but he ate it in the movie. I didn't. yuck

another hint that cats are taking over the world lol

Just how big a damn bowl do you use for your cereal that the cat could mistake it for a litter box?