By mlustpdx - 04/09/2014 17:47 - United States - Clackamas

Today, my cat decided to use my bowl of rice krispies as his litter box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 964
You deserved it 5 013

mlustpdx tells us more.

true. and the reason why is my son decided to block the opening to the litter box and the cereal looked like his litter. can't get made about that


You hate all cats because of the very small chance they will use your bowl of cereal as their litter box?

ChildrenOfFilth 12

Ah so that's why the milk was so brown!

smiley1014 23

How exactly does your cat get that close to your rice krispies?

middlenamefrank 8

You need to CLEAN HER LITTER BOX. Cats use their litter box unless there's a medical problem or it's a hideous mess. She's trying to tell you something. Listen.

nitrog100 21

Do you know that kitty litter can be used to help clean up spilled motor oil in your driveway? Our cat didn't, and assumed that he had a new spot to do his business.

Well you now know you can use rice krispies as litter. it's probably cheaper than the real stuff if you buy it in bulk or at a grocery outlet.

She might be pissed, pun intended, about something. I've known cats to act out if they are trying to communicate.

true. and the reason why is my son decided to block the opening to the litter box and the cereal looked like his litter. can't get made about that

he's special needs. he thought it was funny.