By mackenzie_cain - 14/01/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI. In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out. On the way to the jail I was stopped for running a red light. I soon joined my boyfriend in jail with my very own DUI charge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 436
You deserved it 65 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dont think "hey... he just got thrown in jail for drinking and driving, so maybe i should call a cab or maybe not speed or do something stupid to get pulled over since i am drunk and am going to drive"? YDI for being a moron


...this is most likely fake. Think about it: 1. Men and women have different jails 2. How the HELL can you be on fml while you're in jail? unless of course you bailed both of you out? well idk, this just sounds too fake to me... am i the only one? (btw YTDI, if it's true and you were drinking and driving? wow. do it like NOT on the road please?)

1) Men and Women do not have different jails, they have different prisons. A jail is usually the holding cells where the cops take you when they arrest you. A prison is where you get to go for long term. 2) All FML's start with Today so even if they weren't both bailed out she could have been posting this after she dried out and was released. In any case it's a total YDI because the OP shouldn't have been driving drunk especially since she would have most likely just been arrested at the Police Station for the same thing. Also there was no need to rush and run a red light. She could have killed someone.

Also I have to say.... Do it not on the road please? Would you rather her drive on the sidewalk where she is more likely to kill someone? That is a weird comment.

wow you know what would really had been awesome. he got let go and didn't tell you and you drove to get humans POW head on collision and you wipe each other out. problem solved

ziqi92 0

u two really are perfect for each other! just....dont reproduce....plz....

Igor_g5 0

When I got a DUI my GF got a ride from a sober person. to get me out. WTF is wrong with you? you drive to the police station drunk? That was my first and last DUI.

@78 a DUI includes everything from alcohol and drugs to severe stress driving while tired or under stress it is driving under any negative influence drugs and alcohol are just most common

I have absolutely no respect for drunk drivers. Probably has something to do with the friend's I've lost to their carelessness. As far as I'm concerned, you're a murderer in waiting.