By mackenzie_cain - 14/01/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI. In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out. On the way to the jail I was stopped for running a red light. I soon joined my boyfriend in jail with my very own DUI charge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 436
You deserved it 65 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dont think "hey... he just got thrown in jail for drinking and driving, so maybe i should call a cab or maybe not speed or do something stupid to get pulled over since i am drunk and am going to drive"? YDI for being a moron


Amazement 0

wow dumb enough to speed drunk to go to bail him out while ur still drunk that's sad. ur lucky u only ran a red light and nothing worse

youthink_fml 0

And even if you didn't get stopped for driving like a dumb ass, you don't think the cops would notice when you got to the police station? I'm always amazed at how stupid people can be.

You're sure as bright as a burnt out lightbulb aren't ya?

YDI for being drunken, run-down trash with no future..

tangerine_12 0

**** you both. I would never have bailed him out, that would be pathetic. Congratulations.

Elesiel 0

Good, I hope you both rot in there. Everyone else will be safer for it.

HighLife19 0

Jezz. Yay for you being a complete dumbassss!

okay... so im sure everybody would like to know HOW GHETTO ARE YOU? you go drunk to pick up your boyfriend for driving drunk... that happens all the time? and just a guess but im sure this wasnt at night so you were drunk driving during the day. nice life