By shastadoe - 06/08/2012 06:37 - United States - Los Banos

Today, my boyfriend told me he was a vampire. I burst out in laughter and said he was ridiculous. He looked at me in disgust and said he couldn't be with someone who didn't trust and believe in him. I'm now single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 613
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste


bulbul116_fml 4
lovelymonkey39 5

You know to me that sounds like he knew you'd do that so it was an easy breakup for him...

KingCeltic77 18

You should've told him you're with the Dawnguard.

You didn't notice when he slept in a coffin and could not see his reflection? Good, you are better off without him.

JonahCullen 3

If he really is, give him my number. I want him to BITE ME.

Real vampires don't use their teeth much to dangerous and painful.

I'll mau--er, i mean--bite you. Fair warning though, I may or may not have rabies.

Run up to him, dump a container of glitter all over him, and dash off giggling. If he thinks he's a modern day vampire, make him one!

Haha throw his ass in da sun and see if he burn then