By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 06:18 - United States

Today, my boyfriend surprised me by showing up at my work and proposing to me. It was sweet until an angry customer bitched us out for "wasting her time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 176
You deserved it 3 603

Same thing different taste


Well, I hope you didn't write this right after she did that, because that would ruin it even more, don't you think?

Werken247 14

Yes the boyfriend is still down on one knee waiting for an answer while she types out this FML. The cranky bitch is still complaining and I'm in line behind her looking for a tissue because this so romantic.... *sniffle*

Tell her to stick it up her arse and show her the diamond

intelliDude 7

Well, she was right. It might not have been the nicest thing to say, but she was right.

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#15 I fully agree with you. Also, how is this a good proposal? Standing in check out line 5, buying a pack of gum; hey will you marry me? That's something to tell your family and kids in the future! #22 You are there to service the customer and provide that service in an efficient and pleasant manner. This is personal business, as a customer it's no different then you talking on your cell phone. Your entitled to your opinion but your view of the customer is awful, it indicates that your service level is poor. How or where I shop isn't any of your concern and if I were to take my business elsewhere you'd be out of a job. Understand your level of service will directly affect your employment. If my employees wasted customers time and were disrespectful to them, they'd be fired.

intelliDude 7

Thank you, #24. You understand the relationship between customers and employees.

#24 clearly somebody has never been a "retail bitch". Living it right now, it's horrible, you try getting cussed out by assholes because they're being vague and you're misunderstanding them even though you're trying to ask questions and get specific. OP it's not the most romantic proposal but hey whatever, that bitch coulda waited or moved to another line. It couldn't have taken long.

I agree with 15 and 42. In my humble opinion, a proposal is a personal, intimate event that should take place in a personal, intimate space, aka, not at work. Especially if it bothers the customers.

44) hate your job? Find a new one. Stop bitching.

Yes customers can be bitchy for no reason. Yes they do treat service people as slaves. That being said there is a time and a place for everything. Op's bf did not choose the right time nor place for the proposal. I'm sure there were good intentions behind it. And most people can see that and not get rude. But op is on company time. IMO both bf and customer handled it poorly. I can see why he would want to share the moment with her friends. But unless if it was arranged through her boss first, he was taking a chance of her boss reacting like the customer and firing her. Anyway, grats op.

I agree with 15, there's a time and a place for things. A proposal while you're at work, in particular in the service industry, is just bizarre in my opinion. It's a shame the customer got tired of waiting, but I wonder how long had she been made to wait...

I am very professional with all my customers and take the title "customer service" quite seriously, even though it's minimum wage and people can be pretty stupid. But the OP didn't choose to get proposed to at work. It wasn't unprofessional of her. It was her boyfriend's choice and something that will happen only once. The customer had to be somebody who's had bad luck with marriage or else I don't see how she could be so heartless. Although I agree, I wouldn't want to be proposed to at work nor would I propose to my boyfriend while he was at work, again, it wasn't her choice and couldn't have lasted more than a couple minutes.

Also, the now-fiancé would have had to have been in line or wherever before the customer arrived. I highly doubt the OP was in the middle of serving her when this happened.

Rosie_Posie43 12

She probably never got such a cute proposal.

amandajlucas2015 2

The proposal wasn't that cute lol oh ur at work let me propose.. Instead of takin her on a nice date to somewhere special and romantic :/

Rosie_Posie43 12

Well I like how she would never have expected at work on a normal day. If it was at a fancy restaurant some people start to think they might get proposed to.

To be honest 35, I wouldn't want the usual proposal at a fancy restauraunt and going down on one knee. Something like this is pretty cute if it's something spontaneous I'd love it even if it's not that romantic I wouldn't be expecting it!

perdix 29

Your boyfriend's a dick. He chose your workplace because he knew you couldn't say no without making a scene. He basically hijacked your career to get the answer he wanted. Good luck marrying such a manipulative prick.

What about the Jumbotron ****-up? He got turned down in front of millions. On top of that, his girlfriend bitched him out. But, on the bright side, millions of women also knew he's newly single.

neutralize 12

#18: So glad I'm not the only one who thought so as well.

21- was that the one where it subsequently read "She said no!" ?

russianmartini 2

I've experienced worse people. A 40 year old man threatened to beat up my pregnant hostess a while back because he didn't hear her call his name. People are just plain ignorant.

duckfan4life 1

**** her, it's your spotlight she can wait. Congratulations!

xeldawyn 14

I'm sorry a self-centered person ruined that wonderful moment. Congrats, though :)