By James64138 - 15/06/2011 10:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend sent me a video of him having sex with someone from one of his last relationships because he thought it would turn me on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 500
You deserved it 5 666

James64138 tells us more.

OP here, and you're right. He was a complete idiot. I ended up dumping him a week later and I have a much smarter boyfriend now!

Top comments

Go **** a guy, send him a video of it, and say "Aw, I thought it would turn you on..."

cynthiaF 0

Are you sure it was from a "past relationship"? :| Just saying...


And I hope you sent him a video saying it's over!

so long as it's nt u in e video it shld be fine. jus be mindful.


He shouldn't even still have that video! Please tell me you have a "friend"? Send him a pic of his dick & say "this is what I'm getting tonight, wanna come watch?" & Maybe he'll be the next one to post a FML.

iloveyouchung 0

sell it to some **** website. if he sent it to you, it's yours. what a classy guy you have!

Knightchaser27 25

That would be unkind to the ex-girlfriend

OP is a dude. His boyfriends ex would be a dude too...

10$ bucks? i don't think the $ was necessary..

epic fail on his part trying to turn you on

Barbecue97 0

show you his maturity level. very low