By teegtwo - 22/07/2014 05:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend said we can't have sex with the light on anymore. He said he can never finish because the face I make when I orgasm makes him laugh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 993
You deserved it 26 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start wearing masks. Batman is pretty awesome.

No one ever complains about having sex with Batman.


Hey, at least he's giving you orgasms. Maaany guys can't do that.

From experience, having sex in the dark is pretty good if you don't see the person. It would feel like a wonderful wet dream.

Well now he's just going to IMAGINE your ****** face when you're having one, that will make him laugh even more.

lostaf 4

Mine laughs because the bottom half of my body twitches after and he thinks it's hilarious. .

This is where a poker face would come in handy.

doggie style I think would help this situation or reverse cow girl

I hope you don't take this the wrong way but you look better with the lights off