By Jade - 25/04/2011 13:49 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me in front of an entire street of people. We've only been dating for a week. One of the women in the crowd then called me heartless and threw a hamburger at me when I turned him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 359
You deserved it 9 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch. gotta love random strangers. I feel bad for him though. even if it was only a week.


magic99 3

you should have just said yes in public and then in private called him out on being a crazy mo' fo'. I never understood why people don't do that... it's not like the crowd will track you down and hold you to it..

sourgirl101 28

I would never say yes, knowing full well I'm going to renig on my promise. My word is my bond. It was unfair that he proposed to the OP in front of people to add the pressure of getting a "yes" response. I wouldn't care what on lookers think about my decision about my future. I may expect a few Boos here and there but never expect to get hit with an object. An eye for an eye. That lady would have gotten a few hits right back!

sourgirl101 28

I would never say yes, knowing full well I'm going to renig on my promise. My word is my bond. It was unfair that he proposed to the OP in front of people to add the pressure of getting a "yes" response. I wouldn't care what on lookers think about my decision about my future. I may expect a few Boos here and there but never expect to get hit with an object. An eye for an eye. That lady would have gotten a few hits right back!

sassypants93 17

I agree with sourgirl. Why would you say yes and make him really happy if you are going to smash that dream of his just a little later. That is heartless even if he is crazy. No one should ever get married after knowing each other for only a week.

omg, a 'I agree' statement with some thought in it =O

Like an American like me would waste a burger that delicious

10_4Franky 0

Its called love at first sight.

shift_love 13
smileydancer92 2

bullshit we don't live in Disney World

Kill Me Please!!! 9

between Romeo and Juliet and personal experience: Love-at-first-sight attractions never work out.

You should have screamed that you've only been dating a week and that you weren't hungry.

Now in a few years you're going to bitch when he never ask you again

futtbuck101 1

I would've eaten it, the burger I mean...

Omar_S 0

That dude is crazy!!! should just leave him

mynda1250 0

this actually happened to me. yes, he is crazy! fyl way too fast.