By frustrated! - 06/02/2013 06:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me a freak for wanting to have sex for a second night in a row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 951
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow. He should seek medical help. If he is having trouble with erections, or low sex drive, he could probably benefit from medication.

Well, I guess that I'm a freak, too. Not too upset about it

Communication communication communication. Talk to your boyfriend about this. Some people have lower sex drives then others, but that is no reason for him to call you strange for having a fairly high one. There might be an underlying problem, there might not be, but you'll never know unless the two of you talk about it.

That happened to me once, except I wanted sex twice in one day, 10 hours apart

Drop his ass. He shouldn't complain. At least you want it with him. Wait, it is 2 nights in a row with him right?

Satoaoi 13

wow you'd think he would want that considering he's a guy

Dump him! Dump him now! If he's that uptight about having sex twice in a row, I doubt he's good in bed anyways