By picturemenakedbaby - 21/07/2009 10:42 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were on the phone. He started talking dirty, and saying how horny he was, etc. So I decided to play along and said "I want you to picture me naked, baby." All of a sudden I heard a huge sigh. He responded, "Ew, that just killed it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 946
You deserved it 12 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend is kind of a dick. Kidding or not.

Ahh, wow. FML. Who was he picturing before, then?


I just get the feeling all the girls on fml are fugly looking, no hard feelings

blue892772 0

maybe he missed heard you and thought you said "picture me naked as a baby" or "picture a naked baby" in which case Id be worried if he continued with anything other than "ew you just ruined it"

I don't know why people are giving this guy a hard time. If my boyfriend said "picture me naked, baby," I wouldn't be turned on at all. It's awkward and boring. Maybe if you told him what you wanted to do to him, he would have a more positive reaction. It's like telling someone "I want to be on you" during sex, while you are already on top of him/her.

Well if he is a freak like I am, I may understand why that killed it. He may have been way past picturing her naked, which means that her being so far behind killed it. Plus the OP also said it in a non-sexy way.

Ever think of that he was just making a joke?


lady307 0

and thats what you will talk about in therapy

lol maybe ur nt that attractive and he is just bein honest