By itsemilyc - 02/02/2015 19:34 - United States - Byron Center

Today, my boyfriend "accidentally" had sex with my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 847
You deserved it 4 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I fell down the stairs while erect and she just so happened to be at the bottom bent over naked."

marcmaralou 15


damn... she must have had a bad case of slipadicktomee.

" I just fell in, I don't know how, it was an accident I swear!"

I guess now you can "accidentally" break up with him

I hope you "accidently" chop his balls off

ToxicMoo33 18

That's one "accident" a sorry can't fix.

"Oops I fell down and my dick went straight into her pussy whole"

The amount of accidentally jokes is killing me.

Welp, I guess it's okay if you "accidentally" trip on his other friends as well OP.