By ChrisC - 10/07/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, my boss came to my cubicle to give me my annual performance bonus. I was asleep at my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 440
You deserved it 62 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What would suck more is if you were dreaming of getting the big bonus and woke up to a sticky-note on you forehead saying "YOU'RE FIRED!".


Dude, that sucks big time. Were you at least on break? If not, your boss was probably quite pissed off.

YDI. Unless you had a really long night or something. But either way, YDI. So sorry for you.

seb12992 0

Another FML about someone slacking off on the job and getting caught by their boss...

LOL YDI. I do believe if there was scheduled nap time during the work day productivity would be much higher though... But for now, rest up before work perhaps and don't be lazy?

islaphippos 0

well did you get the bonus? If you did its definitely not an FML

Clearly, YDI for sleeping on the job.

this has been done several times recently. also YDI retard. your getting paid to work not to sleep. hopefully you are jobless and he hired a more compitent worker.

tylenol123 0

i like that comment :) and i agree 190%