By friend loves a gay guy... - 23/09/2013 20:49 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, my best friend told me that she no longer wants to cut herself because now she's madly in love with a guy in our school. She doesn't know that he's gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 195
You deserved it 3 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better to break the news to her now over Ben and Jerry's and romantic comedies rather than have her figure it out alone.That's what best friends are for; there for the good, bad and ugly.

That's a terrible thing to say! Do you even know what emotional trauma people go through which leads them to cut? I am personally very happy that she's stopped, and I am sure her friend will be able to help her in this situation.


She thinks she will quit cutting because of a guy. That is not the case. She will hit a low point and do it again. I am glad she is trying to find a reason not to cut. Help her to find enjoyment in life, and encourage her that cutting is never the answer.

littlexlune 16

Her well-being should never be placed in the hands of others.

unixdude 9

Down the road, not across the tracks.

I have a friend like this. From a Christian perspective, in respect to other religions, prayer with faith and faith with action, worship and praise, ans wirh fasting and righteousness and God will make a way. From a worldy perspective, she needs to get help. Cutting is serious business and people don't value their life until they're in their dying moments. She may nor realise the impact her cutting will have on her life. Talk to her about getting some help.

I too know a girl who has been after my best friend for years, he came out a year or two ago, yet she still pursues him.

BrIEB1590 7
incoherentrmblr 21